If I were brave enough to attempt creating a list of my Top 10 All Time Favorite Books Anne of Green Gables would make the cut.
It has all the elements of a good story. Tell me I'm wrong!
Here's six to prove my case.
The writing teeters between poetic and simplistic with a smattering of truth bombs thrown in to make you go, "Awww, I love that."
The MC, Anne Shirley, is simply divine. Her inner thoughts and vivid imagination speak to your heart. You can't help but love her.
It is an orphan story with a theme of found family. Unlike other beloved stories like Oliver Twist and Harry Potter, the adults are killed because they don't have a purpose in the story. In Anne's journey, her orphan status reveals the deep human need for connection to people who love you. It becomes even more poignant when you discover L.M. Montgomery was an orphan, deprived of affection from her grandparents. One can only imagine Montgomery's emotions when she wrote Anne's line "Nobody ever did want me."
The character arc of Marilla (Anne's adoptive mother) is a beautiful grumpy-to-sunshine trope. Although this is typically a romance feature, it feels more powerful and high stakes in a child's life.
Matt (Anne's adoptive father) didn't have such an emotional arc, he was lovable from the start, maybe even as much as Anne. His calm presence on the page made your heart sing every time he decided to speak.
There is no better escape from the realities of this world than a visit to picturesque Avonlea where Anne's story takes place. Although it is fictional, Montgomery based the setting of Green Gables on her favorite place in the world, her hometown of Cavendish on Prince Edward Island. If you love bookish vacations, Prince Edward Island has created quite the Anne of Green Gables experience.
If you've already read the book, try listening to the audio version narrated by Rachel McAdams. She does an excellent job of capturing Anne's spunk and propensity for drama.
And whatever you do, don't forget to pass down this treasure to all the young girls in your life.
Without further ado, here are our 2 Quotes & 4 Fun Facts for the #24in2024bookchallenge.
2 Anne of Green Gables Quotes

4 Anne of Green Gables Fun Facts

Discussion Questions

My Answers
I'm not a literary scholar, but here's my take.
I thought it would be fun to begin the discussion by answering a question from Anne. As a Christian, I would have to choose to be angelically good but deep down I know I want to be dazzlingly clever.
Anne wants puff sleeves not only because she has a flair for dramatics and an eye for fashion, but also, because she desperately wants to fit in. She lets Matthew and Marilla know she wants the sleeves without directly asking for them. In her heart, she knows she is blessed to have found a home but may be reluctant to dare hope for more. I think Matthew understands Anne's desire, but more than that, I think Matthew wants Anne to know she is loved. Matthew isn't a man of words, but his actions speak volumes.
Marilla was conflicted about sending Anne back to the orphanage, especially after learning Anne would be placed in the care of a harsh woman. I tend to believe Marilla, never married and childless, saw in Anne a chance to make a difference in the life of a child who needed her. Not to mention, Marilla heard Anne's prayers and discovered her need for a faith Marilla was willing to share.
Anne Shirley's honesty is insightful. Her stream of thought pours from her heart with an innocence that is hard to resist. Her zeal for life and vivid imagination are infectious and her unwavering optimism makes spending time in her world a treat. Anne Shirley is a friend we all crave and long to be.
Thanks for spending time in Stacey's Book Nook this month. Join me again next month as we travel back to the 1500s when women were delivered death sentences simply by being accused of witchcraft. From the Drop of Heaven by Juliette Godot was one of my most memorable and favorite reads- it's not an award-winner for nothing.

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