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Day 17: Living Life Faithfully

Writer's picture: staceydfaubionstaceydfaubion

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

A 40-Day Faith Challenge

Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20, that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed is powerful. So, let's plant those seeds and reap the harvest.

The Seed: God's Word

Cleansing Rain: A Reflection on God's Word

What a great follow-up to yesterday’s verse when we were told that we are letters of recommendation for God to the world. Today, we read what should be inside that letter- a life worthy of and pleasing to God. But what exactly does this look like? And how in the heck do we bear fruit? 

We begin with having knowledge of God because in order to please someone, we need to know them. Have you ever noticed that it’s much easier to buy meaningful gifts for loved ones than for strangers? For instance, people who love me know the way to my heart is books, Reese Cups, and pugs.

So how do we get to know God well enough to discover what pleases him? We read the Bible, of course. But in case you haven’t cracked the Bible open in a few minutes or you want to compare your list with mine, here are a few things He tells us that will please Him. The following are seeds that lead to a fruitful life: prayers for wisdom and guidance, caring for your body as a temple (aka God’s dwelling place), helping neighbors in need, acknowledging God before others, spreading the Gospel, being a light in the darkness, and giving thanks continually. A life like this will bear much fruit- and I’m not talking coconuts.

The fruit God wants us to produce is two-fold. One, our fruit is a life modeled after Christ. Second, our life is a witness to others of God’s goodness and through the power of the Holy Spirit this witness brings them to Christ. The field is ripe for harvest, my friends! 

Taking Root: Questions to Help You Dig Deeper

SonShine: Shining the Light of Jesus

Daily Sprinkle: A Prayer to Say Throughout the Day

May your day be fruitful laboring for the Lord.

In Christ,

Stacey Faubion


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