A 40-Day Faith Challenge

Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20, that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed is powerful. So, let's plant those seeds and reap the harvest.
The Seed: God's Word

Cleansing Rain: A Reflection on God's Word
It has been said that the Bible was not written for our information but for our transformation.
Yes, it is an epic story with flawed characters, amazing prophecies, and incredible adventures. But it is more than a history book. It is a revelation of who God is. It is a blueprint for our lives. It is nourishment for the soul. It is a love letter with the power to save us. More simply, it was written for our hearts, not our heads.
Jesus is the Living Word sent to shine light in the darkness (John 1:1-5). The written Word testifies to His saving grace. It gives light and imparts understanding (Psalm 19:7). Our faith in Him did not come from our imagination, but from the Word. Thus, it is vital that we are in the Word to deepen our connection with the Author.
Taking Root: Questions to Help You Dig Deeper

SonShine: Shining the Light of Jesus

Daily Sprinkle: A Prayer to Say Throughout the Day

Dig into God's Word, my friends! See you tomorrow!
In Christ's Love,
Stacey Faubion