A 40-Day Faith Challenge
Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20, that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed is powerful. So, let's plant those seeds and reap the harvest.
The Seed: God's Word
Cleansing Rain: A Reflection on God's Word
God’s love for us rescues us from our sins. Our love for God delights in His perfect goodness. This love leads us to long for Him, to abide in Him, to adore Him, and of course to obey Him. If God is perfect and good, His commands are perfect and good for directing our lives.
And what does Jesus say the greatest command is? In a word: Love! “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. And You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) We, as Christians, are called to live our lives loving God and people.
Love is not a feeling; it is a verb. We are to engage in loving acts. A New command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you. (John 13:34) It is the foundation of our beautiful, life-saving, Christian faith. It is a great big powerful love, a love just like Christ’s love for us.
Taking Root: Questions to Help You Dig Deeper
SonShine: Shining the Light of Jesus
Daily Sprinkle: A Prayer to Say Throughout the Day
God is love. We were created in His image to spread His love. Love big, my friends!
In Love,
Stacey Faubion