A 40-Day Faith Challenge

Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20, that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed is powerful. So, let's plant those seeds and reap the harvest.
The Seed: God's Word

Cleansing Rain: A Reflection on God's Word
Listen up! This is God speaking directly to us! He is commanding us to be still. To take a moment to breathe. To stop worrying about the to-do lists, stop trying to figure out the family drama, stop chasing another dollar. Stop.
And remember- He is God! He is the one in control. He is sovereign and all-powerful. Nothing is more important than Him. We will win no battle with our own strength. And no battle will be lost that God fights. The almighty God is present and doing work in our lives. Sometimes all we need to do is be still and turn our troubles over to Him. Have faith in his goodness and plan for our lives.
However, it’s hard to hear God’s guidance when we are busy running around, doing all the things, and fretting over all the things yet to do. We must be still to listen to God and be still to get to know God. Once we know God, there is no choice but to honor Him, to give Him his due respect. Then we will come to trust him in all things big and small.
Taking Root: Questions to Help You Dig Deeper

SonShine: Shining the Light of Jesus

Daily Sprinkle: A Prayer to Say Throughout the Day

Take a moment to quiet your mind and spend a few minutes with God today (and hopefully every day forward). You will be blessed.
In Christ,
Stacey Faubion